Saturday, September 3, 2011

DataBase Pillager 0.5 Release (Video) Targeted data searches

Updated Link + Features 9/27/2011 after this initial post (New Query-Cmd Line "-q" to drop you into a sql shell and data formatting on display)  
Example: python -a -d mysql -u root -p toor -q
Release 0.6: LINK:Download Pillager 0.6

Been busy as hell lately but I am working on a lot of stuff regarding SQL and Web Hacking stuff I will release soon, but right now I am releasing the newest version of the database pillager. There are numerous new features, optimizations and future development started and some really cool stuff. Currently the newest features include:

New Features:
Database/Table Name targeted searches (done)
Targeted Data searches within columns (done)
Reporting Options (Partially done)
GUI (In development)
Universal SQL CMD shell (Done mysql,mssql)
Also fixing a few more bugs related to mssql and unicode

Video Contents:
The below video will show how to make the most of the tool and show the newest targeted data searches as well as some program structure so you can make some simple modifications.

Untitled from ficti0n on Vimeo.

Commands used:

Simple Pillage:
python -a -d mysql -u root -p toor

Grab Hashes:
python -a -d mysql -u root -p toor --hashes

Database/Table Search based on a list:
python -a -d mysql -u root -p toor -n

Targeted Data Search bases on keyword list:
python -a -d mysql -u root -p toor  -D

Hipaa Search Specifically:
python -a -d mysql -u root -p toor -s hipaa

Limiting data:
python -a -d mysql -u root -p toor  -s hipaa -l 1

Location of Lists:
inputFiles directory

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