With that out of the way.....
The OpenDLP database will need to be modified in order to hold our hash. If you already have OpenDLP installed or you are creating a new install you will need to run the following command after the database has been setup -
alter table profiles add column hash varchar(65);Patching OpenDLP -
The provided patch is targeted for OpenDLP 0.2.5 - I cannot promise that it will work against any other version -
OpenDLP -
PTH-Patch - pth_mod.patch
If you are patching a new install move "pth_mod.patch" into the OpenDLP directory (OpenDLP-0.2.5) and apply -
tar -xjf OpenDLP-0.2.5.tar.bz2
mv pth_mod.patch OpenDLP-0.2.5
cd OpenDLP-0.2.5
patch -p1 -i pth_mod.patch
patching file OpenDLP/web/bin/control.html
patching file OpenDLP/web/bin/download_file.html
patching file OpenDLP/web/bin/profiles.html
patching file OpenDLP/web/bin/profiles-new.html
patching file OpenDLP/web/bin/results/results.html
patching file OpenDLP/web/bin/start-verify.html
If you are patching an existing install (OpenDLP-0.2.5) move the "pth_mod.patch" into the directory where OpenDLP is installed (default is - /var/www/localhost/OpenDLP/ ) and apply -
mv pth_mod.patch /var/www/localhost/OpenDLP/
patch -p2 -i pth_mod.patch
patching file web/bin/control.html
patching file web/bin/download_file.html
patching file web/bin/profiles.html
patching file web/bin/profiles-new.html
patching file web/bin/results/results.html
patching file web/bin/start-verify.html
Confirm that your OpenDLP install is still working by accessing the application.
Enter in your information, as you can see in my example I have entered in a hash but no password -
Just to show here is the database entry for this profile -
Create a new scan using our new profile -
View the scan results, in the following screen shot I have clicked on the flagged file and opened it in gedit -