Thursday, June 9, 2011

Burp Intruder Time fields

This is an update from the last video blog: 

I had a update submission from Toxic after watching Web Application video #2. Although module 4 was to learn how to code custom situations... Toxic noted that there are time fields within burp intruder by adding the columns:

-Response Received
-Response Completed

You can get a number related to the seconds it took for the request to complete... For example the php code originally was set for a 2 second sleep function and so Jsmith had the following output:

Response Received: 2107

Now I upped the sleep function to 4 seconds and Jsmith has a new value of:

Response Received: 4001

I then upped the sleep function to 8 seconds and Jsmith has the new value of:
Response Received: 8002

Indicating that field actually does keep track of the time between request and response... Just another option for anyone playing with time based stuff in burp.....


Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Web Hacking Video Series #2 Analysis of application behavior to bypass common implementation issues

Video Lesson Topics:  (Running time 50+ minutes)
This lesson covers the following topics:
  1. Analysis of application behavior to bypass common implementation issues
  2. Writing custom python code to deal with more complex testing situations
  3. More on burp suite intruder, comparer and scoping settings
  4. Introducing firebug for inspecting page elements
  5. Lots of me rambling about testing issues and real world considerations/client issues

New Hacking Lab:  (USE FIREFOX)
 This is my second video on application security which includes a lab of 6 different user enumeration situations. Not really to show user enumeration, but to show the various ways developers handle situations and how we can determine ways to bypass issues. Everyone can follow along and play on the website as I ramble..  I got bored Friday night and started coding, and ended up with the beginning of a mini web hacking lab that I may continue to grow out regarding certain lessons or  I may allow downloading of the whole site when dealing with more dangerous topics I dont want to deploy online.  Also note that I dont care about complying with microsoft internet explorers finicky page parsing issues so use firefox if you dont want viewing issues.  ;)

Interview I did with Covert Access Team

 This is an interview I did with cover access team covering things for example:  Talks about blockchain attacks Chatting about running and m...